MICHAEL R. WILLIAMS got his start as an intern at Paramount Pictures after graduating from Loyola Marymount University with a B.A. in Film Production. Even before his college education, the Encino, California, native seemed destined for a career behind the camera — he produced his first short film when he was a high school freshman, winning a state film award his first time out of the gate.
Following his tenure at Paramount, he worked his way up from production assistant to producer, with stints as an animator, editor and assistant director along the way. During this time, Williams worked under the tutelage of many producers where he learned the ropes of budgeting and scheduling feature films. He brings with him decades of physical production knowledge in business affairs, labor relations, vendors, contracts, tax incentives, budgeting, scheduling, distant location shooting, international productions, completion bonds, finance and sales.
He frequently doubles as both unit production manager and producer on many of his feature projects, a list that includes “Americana”, “Operation Varsity Blues”, the action comedy, “Supercon,” the biography, “LBJ,” the Pierce Brosnan romantic comedy, “Some Kind of Beautiful” and the thriller “Complicity.” His credits also include “Boogeyman 2”, “Game of Death”, “Meet Monica Velour” and “Welcome to Me”.
Michael is also the creator of numerous digital tools which are used throughout the industry. He created Poco to help production coordinators manage and produce all of the documents for their department. Michael was a co-creator of the Casper call sheet and initiated the Universal Schedule Standard, which is used to transport schedule data to many different apps. In 2013 he launched Think Crew, which is now one of the leading tools for the creation of schedules in film and series production.
Michael lives in Los Angeles, California.